30th National Pastel Painting Exhibition

Join the Pastel Society of New Mexico and the Millicent Rogers Museum for the 30th National Pastel Painting Exhibition, featuring regional, national, and international artists! Enjoy pastel paintings of landscapes, portraits, imagined scenes, and more! Presented by the Pastel Society of New Mexico, the exhibition opens on the evening of Friday, August 5 with an Awards Ceremony and Public Reception. Please see below for details about these events and the associated exhibtion programs during the month of August. As exhibition chair and participating artist Nicholas Tesluk states, “Pastels are the only art form that combines painting and drawing,” thus revealing the specificity and excitement of the medium.

66 of 116 paintings will be at the Museum for sale. These can be purchased on-site or by contacting the Museum Store: please call 575.758.4316 or send a direct message. View the entire exhibition online at www.pastelsnm.org!

For the duration of the exhibition, the Museum is open seven days a week from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Admission: $12 general; veterans, children 12 and under, and members free daily; Taos County residents free every Sunday. Please call 575.758.2462 with admissions questions.

Read about this exhibition in the press:

Albuquerque Journal


Events & Programs: 

Friday, August 5:
Awards Ceremony Reception 4:00-5:30pm
(museum membership & rsvp required)
Public Reception 5:30-7:00pm
(free admission)


Sunday, August 7:
Simulcasted Artist Talk with Nicholas Tesluk “The Magic of Pastel” 2:00-3:00pm
In-Person & Zoom
(included with museum admission)

Click here to watch this program

Sunday, August 14:
Pastel Painting Demonstration by artist Tobi Clement 1:00-3:00pm
East Lawn
(included with museum admission)


Sunday, August 28:

Pastel Painting Demonstration by artist Paul Murray 1:00-2:00pm
East Lawn
(included with museum admission)

Experience a journey surrounding the uniqueness of light reflections and their ability to become the central elements that guide one through a pastel composition! Based in La Cienega, Murray uses pastels to emphasize light and shadow in his paintings in order to create a sense of awe in the range of light perceived in the landscape.

All artworks in the 30th National Pastel Painting Exhibition are for sale! Visit the online gallery here! The digital catalogue is available via the Pastel Society of New Mexico catalog. Note: Some paintings are on view in online format only. Please contact the Museum Store with questions at 575.758.4316 or email storemanager@millicentrogers.org.  

Exhibition and Programs generously presented by: